Literature and Theory:
Introduction to Literary Genres
General introduction to study of literary genres with attention to various
forms of fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, and to essential literary terminology.
Extensive expository writing.
Introduction to Literary Theory and Critical Thought
General introduction to study of literary theory and criticism with attention
to various schools of 20th century criticism, critical applications, and
critical terminology. Extensive critical writing.
British Literature to 1700
Survey of British prose, poetry, and drama from Anglo-Saxon origins through
the Restoration; emphasis on literary traditions and historical contexts.
British Literature from 1700-1945
Survey of British prose, poetry and drama from 18th century through Second
World War; emphasis on literary traditions and historical contexts.
American Literature to 1945
American literature from the exploration era to the Second World War. May
emphasize historical development and/or major themes.
World Literature from 1700-Present
Works in English and in translation of various world literatures from 1700
to the present including a balanced selection of texts from European and
non-European cultures such as French, Russian, Spanish, Latin American,
Chinese, Indian, African, Caribbean, Japanese, Arabic, etc.
Children's Literature
Reading and evaluation of books for children from nursery school through
junior high school; novels, folklore, informational literature, poetry, and
bibliographical sources.
Adolescent Literature
Reading and evaluation of books for 7th - 12th grade; fiction, non-fiction,
poetry, and bibliographic sources.
Gay and Lesbian Literature and Criticism
Major issues in contemporary gay and lesbian literary criticism. Discussion
of literature and critical writing that addresses gay and lesbian sexuality,
with attention to feminist theory, cultural studies, psychoanalytic criticism,
race, and class.
Literature of 1990's Culture
An exploration of novels and shorts which are indicative of American cultural
norms and world views in the 1990s.
Literature of the Beat Generation
Intensive study of Beat literature, authors, and writing theory, through
poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. Authors include Baraka, Kerouac, Cassidy,
Ginsberg, Burroughs, Di Prima, Jones.
Modern Poetry
English and American poetry and European poetry in translation from 1900
to 1945; writers and works significantly influencing development of poetic
Modern Fiction
Novelistic fiction from English, European (in translation), and American
writers of the Modern period such as Flaubert, Joyce, Conrad, Woolf, Kafka,
Mann, Faulkner. Focus on development of forms of fiction, styles, and narrative
theories, and on cultural, literary, and political contexts of individual
Contemporary Poetry
Cross section of English and American poetry and European poetry in translation,
mostly written since 1945; writers and works representing major trends in
development of poetry.
Contemporary Fiction
Fiction by British, European (in translation), and American writers of the
contemporary period (since 1945) such as Amis, Pynchon, Duras, Rushdie, Selvon,
Naipul, Bradbury, Marquez. Focus on development of forms of fiction, styles,
and narrative theories, and on cultural, literary, and political contexts
of individual works.
Contemporary American Literature
Intensive study of Postmodernism and Postmodern theory through critical
essays and clebrated texts by authors such as Delillo, Pynchon, Silko, O'Brien,
Sontag, Anzaldua. Extensive critical writing.
Great Greek Minds
Masterpieces of Greek literature in English translation: Homer, Sappho, Pindar,
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Thucydides, Plato,
Aristotle. Introduction to history, art, customs and beliefs.
Great Roman Minds
Masterpieces of Latin literature in English translation: Lucretius, Cicero,
Catullus, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Ovid, Petronius, Tacitus, Juvenal, Martial.
An introduction to history, art, customs and beliefs.
Creative Writing:
of Poetry
The way poetry works, analysis of poetic form, theory and technique in traditional
and contemporary works, emphasis on poetry writing exercises and revision.
Craft of Fiction
The way fiction works, analysis of fictional form, theory and technique in
traditional and contemporary works, emphasis on story writing exercises
and fiction terminology.
Imaginative Writing
Explorations of the creative process through the writing of poetry and fiction.
Emphasis is on the means whereby private fantasy is transformed into
artistic expression.
Creative Writing Workshop
Principles of poetic composition and fiction writing; analysis of contemporary
models and group discussion of student's work.
Language Study
Aspects of form and style in language: structure, usage, semantics; language
change and cultural convention; social and regional dialects.
Poetry Workshop
Practical application of students' knowledge of how poems are put together.
Class discussion and analysis of original and published poetry, and poetry
Fiction Workshop
Practical application of students' knowledge of how stories are put together.
Class discussion and analysis of original and published stories, and fiction
Senior Poet's Workshop
Focuses on developing the students' writing process and understanding of
contemporary poetry. Creative writing majors taking their second 400-level
workshop class must complete a thesis and public reading.
Senior Fiction Workshop
Focuses on developing the students' writing process and understanding of
contemporary fiction. Creative writing majors taking their second 400-level
workshop class must complete a thesis and public reading.
Technical Writing:
and Engineering Graphics I
Design as process and engineering graphics as vehicle to communicate
problem solutions. Documented design analysis, free-hand sketching, orthographic
projection; shape, size and position dimensioning; isometric and oblique
drawing, and auxiliary and section views as applied to technical design
Design and Engineering Graphics II
Application of design analysis and engineering graphics for design solutions
in a variety of technical disciplines. Analysis of point, line and plane
problems using auxiliary views, revolution methods and true-length diagrams.
Use of working drawings and graphic standards, with emphasis on most current
ASME standards.
Introduction to Technical Writing
Application of basic forms of writing for business, industry, and government.
Requires writing and revising a number of documents including instructions,
definitions, descriptions, and reports.
Professional Editing
Editing technical, scientific, and other professional documents such as proposals,
reports, journal articles, conference proceedings, and books. Includes introduction
to managing editorial services.
Writing Process for Online Documentation
Emphasis on theory, principles, and research about the writing process involved
for online documents.