Something Wicked This Way Comes
I wake from being,
Sense my peril
Blind from seeing
Feelings sterile.
Visions in my mind are forming,
Calling, screaming, haunting warnings
Deadly fears shoot forth like guns
Something wicked this way comes.
Mirrors around me,
Laughing, taunting,
Imprisoned free,
Survival daunting.
Passions die with no misgivings,
Quenching now our desperate longings
Love and hope our logic numbs
Something wicked this way comes.
We search for treasure
For empty lives,
Painful pleasure
Makes the only prize.
Each for themselves and never more,
Lone grains of sand on endless shore
One plus one the simplest sums
Something wicked this way comes.
Warm glow of daylight,
Promise and joy,
Wronging the right
Existence a toy.
Dreams we most cherished turn awry,
Life without meaning when we die
All hope lost like burnt out suns
Something wicked this way comes.
The first one to know
But last to learn,
Hiding, I show
Rejected, I yearn.
Hope, need, and love fight against fear,
Fate for the world rests in a tear
Life moves forth to beating drums
Something wicked this way comes.
Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Paul Cales, © February 2000